Page 1 - Reviews - NuNaturals, NuStevia, Ginger Syrup, 16 fl oz (.47 l) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 26, 2018
Verified Purchase

I have to do my part and make a review on this!! My favorite thing about other peoples' reviews (after hearing how a product benefited them health-wise, of course) is reading how they inducted it into RECIPES or made use of it. That is SUPER valuable to me. So here goes.... I bought this syrup to use in coffee since I'm trying to go sugar-free. I already have this brand's Chocolate Mint syrup, which is delicious. I got this ginger one, and hooked up my coffee with some half&half and the ginger syrup. It was tasty! But now I decided I want to work on my adrenals, so I am going to give up caffeine. :( So.... now I have this $17 bottle of syrup.... what do I do with it...?? Put it in oatmeal? Maybe. But lunchtime came, and I had a great idea! I steamed some baby carrots for just a few minutes, till they were still crisp but bursting with flavor. I added some leftover brown rice to the pot, a little pat of butter, a squirt of THIS GINGER SYRUP, and omg I had a masterpiece. Then to make it even more exciting lol I topped it with some crunchy Ginger Masala Chai Coconut Chips (also from iHerb) and last but not least, I sprinkled some raw almonds in. I don't know if my description is doing it justice so I added a pic. All in all, it turns out I will be using this in unexpected ways. It will taste great even in a savory dish with chicken or meat. Except it will have none of the bad ingredients that are in regular marinades and sauces. As long as you like a more robust flavor of ginger, you can't go wrong with this syrup!
